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Google Maps Satellite Map of Urenui, Taranaki, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Urenui provided by GPS coordinates of Urenui Taranaki, elevation of Urenui Taranaki, hotels nearby Urenui Taranaki, photos from Urenui Taranaki. Find location of Urenui, Taranaki on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Urenui of Satellite Map of Urenui provided by Google Satellite Map of Urenui provided by BING Satellite Map of Urenui provided by Wikimapia Waitotara Waiongona Skippers Raymonds Gap Piopio Otamarakau Mourea Moa Creek Kumeroa Houhora Thames Glengarry Waiatoto Highfield Merivale Mairehau Hillsborough Meremere Napier South Ferrymead |