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Google Maps Satellite Map of Waimarama, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Waimarama provided by GPS coordinates of Waimarama Hawke's Bay, elevation of Waimarama Hawke's Bay, hotels nearby Waimarama Hawke's Bay, photos from Waimarama Hawke's Bay. Find location of Waimarama, Hawke's Bay on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Waimarama of Satellite Map of Waimarama provided by Google Satellite Map of Waimarama provided by BING Satellite Map of Waimarama provided by Wikimapia Upper Waiwera Strachans Stirling Roslyn Rere Omanaia Ngatapa Ngaroto Matakanui Lowcliffe Kereta Hukerenui Hawkeswood Hangatiki Greatford Welbourn Sherwood Rise Springlands Miramar Arakura |