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Google Maps Satellite Map of Aranui, Canterbury, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Aranui provided by GPS coordinates of Aranui Canterbury, elevation of Aranui Canterbury, hotels nearby Aranui Canterbury, photos from Aranui Canterbury. Find location of Aranui, Canterbury on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Aranui of Satellite Map of Aranui provided by Google Satellite Map of Aranui provided by BING Satellite Map of Aranui provided by Wikimapia Waituna West Waitakere Runciman Poroporo Orton Mirza Millers Flat Meeanee Manukau City Longburn Kopu Kamo Howick Horoera Hawkins Hanmer Springs Erina Dalefield Allanton Helensburgh |