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Google Maps Satellite Map of Glen Avon, Taranaki, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Glen Avon provided by GPS coordinates of Glen Avon Taranaki, elevation of Glen Avon Taranaki, hotels nearby Glen Avon Taranaki, photos from Glen Avon Taranaki. Find location of Glen Avon, Taranaki on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Glen Avon of Satellite Map of Glen Avon provided by Google Satellite Map of Glen Avon provided by BING Satellite Map of Glen Avon provided by Wikimapia Washdyke Waihaorunga Tauwhare Sydenham Skippers Shag Point Seatoun Saint Albans Rapuwai Pollok Patoka Paremata Oturehua Moa Creek Hairini Caversham Amodeo Bay Birkdale Henderson Waitangirua |