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Google Maps Satellite Map of San Benaventura, Papalotla de Xicohténcatl, Tlaxcala, Mexico. Find hotels nearby San Benaventura provided by GPS coordinates of San Benaventura Tlaxcala, elevation of San Benaventura Tlaxcala, hotels nearby San Benaventura Tlaxcala, photos from San Benaventura Tlaxcala. Find location of San Benaventura, Tlaxcala on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map San Benaventura of Satellite Map of San Benaventura provided by Google Satellite Map of San Benaventura provided by BING Satellite Map of San Benaventura provided by Wikimapia Río Grande La Escondida Francisco Villa Navíos Buenos Aires El Doranhi Casa de Piedra Puerta Agua Escondida Tacuitapa El Contadero La Campana Cuauhtémoc Lote 1 Tzelopatic Las Flores Las Pilas Cualac La Picota Pozo Colorado Francisco R Gerrano |