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Google Maps Satellite Map of Minitas, Choix, Sinaloa, Mexico. Find hotels nearby Minitas provided by GPS coordinates of Minitas Sinaloa, elevation of Minitas Sinaloa, hotels nearby Minitas Sinaloa, photos from Minitas Sinaloa. Find location of Minitas, Sinaloa on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Minitas of Satellite Map of Minitas provided by Google Satellite Map of Minitas provided by BING Satellite Map of Minitas provided by Wikimapia Taxadho Bordo Ancho (Moisés Ramírez Huerta) La Cadena Paraje Cruz de Juan Doña Blanca Campo el Tajito Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez (Icaiché) Suytunchén Los García Potrero el Águila Rancho Nuevo El Valle El Humo El Molino El Batamote El Cuchi El Rosario Plan del Guayabo El Guayabo San Luis |