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Google Maps Satellite Map of Santiago Astata, Santiago Astata, Oaxaca, Mexico. Find hotels nearby Santiago Astata provided by GPS coordinates of Santiago Astata Oaxaca, elevation of Santiago Astata Oaxaca, hotels nearby Santiago Astata Oaxaca, photos from Santiago Astata Oaxaca. Find location of Santiago Astata, Oaxaca on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Santiago Astata of Satellite Map of Santiago Astata provided by Google Satellite Map of Santiago Astata provided by BING Satellite Map of Santiago Astata provided by Wikimapia Fraccionamiento Lomas de Ahuatlán La Casita Coapichapan (Barranca de San Miguel) San Miguel Coyotillos San Antonio Tierra Colorada El Mastranzo Mártires de la Reforma San Antonio Istmo Saúz Tostado Santa Rita Soyatlán de Oro San José Rancho Providencia El Estero El Platanar San Miguel La Laguna Salinas |