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Google Maps Satellite Map of Santa Lucía, Montemorelos, Nuevo León, Mexico. Find hotels nearby Santa Lucía provided by GPS coordinates of Santa Lucía Nuevo León, elevation of Santa Lucía Nuevo León, hotels nearby Santa Lucía Nuevo León, photos from Santa Lucía Nuevo León. Find location of Santa Lucía, Nuevo León on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Santa Lucía of Satellite Map of Santa Lucía provided by Google Satellite Map of Santa Lucía provided by BING Satellite Map of Santa Lucía provided by Wikimapia Progreso Maritza El Manacal Placitas La Esperanza Uno Tierra Grande (La Loma) Los Mejía La Trinidad Chiotic Santa Catalina Santa Rita La Esperanza Los Avelar Tepuente Paso a la Cuadrilla Cerro Grande Rojarare Tinaja Celaya Rinconada El Zoológico |