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Google Maps Satellite Map of Sarmaşık, Türkeli, Sinop, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Sarmaşık provided by GPS coordinates of Sarmaşık Sinop, elevation of Sarmaşık Sinop, hotels nearby Sarmaşık Sinop. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Sarmaşık of Satellite Map of Sarmaşık provided by Google Satellite Map of Sarmaşık provided by BING Satellite Map of Sarmaşık provided by Wikimapia Boyalı Neşetiye Yoncalık Yeniköy Dilekpınar Karşı Yuvacık Armutluk Akchakoyunlu Beyler Kanlı Dereköy Gyundyukkhadzhi Büyük Arası Aylan Akviranhartavi Hanpınar Yaylıyaka Koçbaşı Keçikıran |