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Google Maps Satellite Map of Çobandere, Durağan, Sinop, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Çobandere provided by GPS coordinates of Çobandere Sinop, elevation of Çobandere Sinop, hotels nearby Çobandere Sinop. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Çobandere of Satellite Map of Çobandere provided by Google Satellite Map of Çobandere provided by BING Satellite Map of Çobandere provided by Wikimapia Hıdırlar Karadona Buharaevler Akbulma Güzeldere Hacıdanışment İnceler Kutluca Yumrucaktaş Çavdar Koçlar Derekışla Yenice Biberos Tiryakioğlu Dumanlı Lala Çavuşhan Ortanca Bengisu |