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Google Maps Satellite Map of Ayhan, Avanos, Nevşehir, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Ayhan provided by GPS coordinates of Ayhan Nevşehir, elevation of Ayhan Nevşehir, hotels nearby Ayhan Nevşehir. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Ayhan of Satellite Map of Ayhan provided by Google Satellite Map of Ayhan provided by BING Satellite Map of Ayhan provided by Wikimapia Pirali Sivri Kızılağaç Börüncek Koçali Aşağı Elmalı Dikilikaya Kuyupınar Yaşarköy Kuzköy Erikli Kelek Işıkoluğu Keberli Kale Güzelce Tirzik Hacılılar Topraklı Yayladere |