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Google Maps Satellite Map of Karataş, Anamur, Mersin, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Karataş provided by GPS coordinates of Karataş Mersin, elevation of Karataş Mersin, hotels nearby Karataş Mersin. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Karataş of Satellite Map of Karataş provided by Google Satellite Map of Karataş provided by BING Satellite Map of Karataş provided by Wikimapia Aşağı Yoldüzü Mahmutlu Boraman Oymapınar Aşağı Kolbaşı Hatip Dere Aşağıahalik Çatmalar Gediksaray Büyük Vazvaza Sultanahmet Atmaca Nusratiye Karaağaç Elmalı Osmaniye Esenlik Dereköseler Turgutlu |