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Google Maps Satellite Map of Yoncalı, Kızıltepe, Mardin, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Yoncalı provided by GPS coordinates of Yoncalı Mardin, elevation of Yoncalı Mardin, hotels nearby Yoncalı Mardin. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Yoncalı of Satellite Map of Yoncalı provided by Google Satellite Map of Yoncalı provided by BING Satellite Map of Yoncalı provided by Wikimapia Aşağı Evler Akyarma Karabeyler Göküz Kısaç Korucuk Mermer Şenlik Zeytineli Altındağ Cennetçeşme Karapınar Keşlik Dedeköy Karaçulha Kösedik Akçay Çatalkaya Kazılı Yeniçağa |