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Google Maps Satellite Map of Suludere, Karamürsel, Kocaeli, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Suludere provided by GPS coordinates of Suludere Kocaeli, elevation of Suludere Kocaeli, hotels nearby Suludere Kocaeli. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Suludere of Satellite Map of Suludere provided by Google Satellite Map of Suludere provided by BING Satellite Map of Suludere provided by Wikimapia Eminağa Çamdibi Karyer Yenigeçitveren Derenti Evkara Mirhas Yukarıancolin Sürütme Kuzuluçukur Ovayenice Bakımlı Kızılaliler Karakuyu Güzeltepe Tepeli Cesurlar Asafoliza Yakıncak Kozaklı |