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Google Maps Satellite Map of Taşdere, Arpaçay, Kars, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Taşdere provided by GPS coordinates of Taşdere Kars, elevation of Taşdere Kars, hotels nearby Taşdere Kars. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Taşdere of Satellite Map of Taşdere provided by Google Satellite Map of Taşdere provided by BING Satellite Map of Taşdere provided by Wikimapia Evcili İbecik Karataş Pamukçular Libi Akçalı Ilıpınar Taşlık Canuşağı Tivnik Yeşilöz Değişören Dikenli Akıncı Bebekli Gücüş Yenisöğüt Ağtaş Evbark Siverek |