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Google Maps Satellite Map of Yenmiş, Kemalpaşa, İzmir, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Yenmiş provided by GPS coordinates of Yenmiş İzmir, elevation of Yenmiş İzmir, hotels nearby Yenmiş İzmir. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Yenmiş of Satellite Map of Yenmiş provided by Google Satellite Map of Yenmiş provided by BING Satellite Map of Yenmiş provided by Wikimapia Aşağı Hozkişi Başören Mağaraobruğu Hacıisalı Akseki Hacıhalil Boğabağı Alandız Yücelik Çavdarlı Karaburç Taşlıkır Hombur Avcıtepe Sellice Kurudere Karadoğan Mistin Çubuklu Aspari |