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Google Maps Satellite Map of Ortaköy, Yağlıdere, Giresun, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Ortaköy provided by GPS coordinates of Ortaköy Giresun, elevation of Ortaköy Giresun, hotels nearby Ortaköy Giresun. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Ortaköy of Satellite Map of Ortaköy provided by Google Satellite Map of Ortaköy provided by BING Satellite Map of Ortaköy provided by Wikimapia Yazıbaşı Kavakköy Kutluca Çorak Bayramlar Resulkahya Ortayazı Aliağa Kuzoluk Kürecik Kısmetli Çamyatağı Sepetli Akıncı Elmacık Santarla Beypınarı Akpınar Serasor Alaçatı |