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Google Maps Satellite Map of Almalı, Şahinbey, Gaziantep, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Almalı provided by GPS coordinates of Almalı Gaziantep, elevation of Almalı Gaziantep, hotels nearby Almalı Gaziantep. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Almalı of Satellite Map of Almalı provided by Google Satellite Map of Almalı provided by BING Satellite Map of Almalı provided by Wikimapia Kayaburnu Boztepe Pekmez Ildızım Kıran Aşağıahalik Cevdetağa Tarakçı Polateli Karaahmetli Navruşuh Çanakçı Ziyaret Esentepe Tatarlı Güder Kemaliye Sakızlı Korkut Gürsu |