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Google Maps Satellite Map of Kongur, Hınıs, Erzurum, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Kongur provided by GPS coordinates of Kongur Erzurum, elevation of Kongur Erzurum, hotels nearby Kongur Erzurum. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Kongur of Satellite Map of Kongur provided by Google Satellite Map of Kongur provided by BING Satellite Map of Kongur provided by Wikimapia Serhatlı Çakırözü Yazören Çanakdüzü Sakaeli Yeniköy Miçikâr Zeyrek Zeybek Sipahiler Eşen Gesi Ağızören Gökağaç Örselli Çukurdere Çataklı Halilalan Evrendede Namazgah |