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Google Maps Satellite Map of Konaklı, Palandöken, Erzurum, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Konaklı provided by GPS coordinates of Konaklı Erzurum, elevation of Konaklı Erzurum, hotels nearby Konaklı Erzurum. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Konaklı of Satellite Map of Konaklı provided by Google Satellite Map of Konaklı provided by BING Satellite Map of Konaklı provided by Wikimapia İğdeli İçkale Karaahmetler Yiğitkonağı Hayrettinköy Elmalı Hisarköy Yeni Arda Yenikapı Kötübüyük Dereköy Yaylatepe Soğucak Becen Eskimalatya Yörükler Kızkapan Çaldıran Garipler |