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Google Maps Satellite Map of Kalaba, Sivrice, Elâzığ, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Kalaba provided by GPS coordinates of Kalaba Elâzığ, elevation of Kalaba Elâzığ, hotels nearby Kalaba Elâzığ. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Kalaba of Satellite Map of Kalaba provided by Google Satellite Map of Kalaba provided by BING Satellite Map of Kalaba provided by Wikimapia Demircili Sarıçiçek Dağeteği Yassıören İğdir Ödek Dallı İmrendere Hurşudiye Çiller Güzeloluk İnkur Boğazcık Bengü Kyuchyuk-Agadzhi Oymakılıç Akveren Ulucami Karaahmetli Kızılağaç |