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Google Maps Satellite Map of Dobruca, Osmangazi, Bursa, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Dobruca provided by GPS coordinates of Dobruca Bursa, elevation of Dobruca Bursa, hotels nearby Dobruca Bursa. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Dobruca of Satellite Map of Dobruca provided by Google Satellite Map of Dobruca provided by BING Satellite Map of Dobruca provided by Wikimapia Hacıobası Naznara Ardas Abrenk Boyalı Çiftliği Sofulu Çengelköy Günbatur Yukarıdinek Yenitepe Söğütlü Gökbel Pazarözü Yaylası Karaisalı Arslanlı Fidancık Kırbalı Yassıpınar Karaağaç Demirkuyu |