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Google Maps Satellite Map of Yolaltı, Bayburt Merkez, Bayburt, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Yolaltı provided by GPS coordinates of Yolaltı Bayburt, elevation of Yolaltı Bayburt, hotels nearby Yolaltı Bayburt. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Yolaltı of Satellite Map of Yolaltı provided by Google Satellite Map of Yolaltı provided by BING Satellite Map of Yolaltı provided by Wikimapia Subaşı Emirdoğan Çıtak Domurcalı Keklik Hisarköy Çatma Samanlı Akçapınar Pazarören Kızılkaya Turgut Türkalp Kamışlı Aşağıavti Yekozan Ballıkaya Oymadal Elgazi Kepir Karlıyayla |