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Google Maps Satellite Map of Kıratlı, Bayburt Merkez, Bayburt, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Kıratlı provided by GPS coordinates of Kıratlı Bayburt, elevation of Kıratlı Bayburt, hotels nearby Kıratlı Bayburt. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Kıratlı of Satellite Map of Kıratlı provided by Google Satellite Map of Kıratlı provided by BING Satellite Map of Kıratlı provided by Wikimapia Zilan Dikmenli Ballı Karaköy Karakoca Subaşı Gökçedal Burgaz Kireli Sadeyaka Daren Uğurtepe Babur Bağlıca Kayabaşı Kıldır Karacahisar Çobandurağı Delihacılar Kelle |