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Google Maps Satellite Map of Khirre, Gercüş, Batman, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Khirre provided by GPS coordinates of Khirre Batman, elevation of Khirre Batman, hotels nearby Khirre Batman. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Khirre of Satellite Map of Khirre provided by Google Satellite Map of Khirre provided by BING Satellite Map of Khirre provided by Wikimapia Boğaz Osmanköy Çamaltı Lütfiye Salihler Küçüklü Tepecik Esikte Rahmanca Menük Küçüksu Kızılöz Soğanlı Ortaköy Topluca Derecik Acıelmalık Çıkrık Çobanyıldızı Aksu |