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Google Maps Satellite Map of Yeni Demirkapı, Göle, Ardahan, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Yeni Demirkapı provided by GPS coordinates of Yeni Demirkapı Ardahan, elevation of Yeni Demirkapı Ardahan, hotels nearby Yeni Demirkapı Ardahan. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Yeni Demirkapı of Satellite Map of Yeni Demirkapı provided by Google Satellite Map of Yeni Demirkapı provided by BING Satellite Map of Yeni Demirkapı provided by Wikimapia Fılıklı Yapaklı Alatepe Nakipler Yenikapı Dikmeli Tecer Aşağı Çağlan Yeşilyuva Pazarköy Mudaralı Değirmendere Yazlıca Sarısu Sarayova Göçkün Yukarıkoymat Çakmak Teyen Uzungüney |