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Google Maps Satellite Map of Kozağaç, Beypazarı, Ankara, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Kozağaç provided by GPS coordinates of Kozağaç Ankara, elevation of Kozağaç Ankara, hotels nearby Kozağaç Ankara. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Kozağaç of Satellite Map of Kozağaç provided by Google Satellite Map of Kozağaç provided by BING Satellite Map of Kozağaç provided by Wikimapia Çamdere Yağmurbaba Babadere Örenli Beyler Keranek Dikmeli Karakale Elmalıdüz Hocaköy Özbey Dağardı Bağlıca Çamyayla Taşoluk Katırardıç Yaylası Göksu Derince Zengetil Balkaynar |