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Google Maps Satellite Map of Ahmetadil, Akyurt, Ankara, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Ahmetadil provided by GPS coordinates of Ahmetadil Ankara, elevation of Ahmetadil Ankara, hotels nearby Ahmetadil Ankara. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Ahmetadil of Satellite Map of Ahmetadil provided by Google Satellite Map of Ahmetadil provided by BING Satellite Map of Ahmetadil provided by Wikimapia Damlapınar Aydınyaka Duruca Dörekler Salekan Uri Çatıharman Alikabaklar Kutlu Kırkbulak Atalan Tepedam Yaylacık Çobanisa Olucak Kayaönü Dikmen Cubukbükü Evrek Arguvan |