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Google Maps Satellite Map of Yeniköy, Göynücek, Amasya, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Yeniköy provided by GPS coordinates of Yeniköy Amasya, elevation of Yeniköy Amasya, hotels nearby Yeniköy Amasya. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Yeniköy of Satellite Map of Yeniköy provided by Google Satellite Map of Yeniköy provided by BING Satellite Map of Yeniköy provided by Wikimapia Tatar Alçakbel Aşağı Kevzer Sinekçiler Davutça Çamtepe Köseoğlu Yukarı Çamlı Sandıközü Güvendik Ayvalar Kütükuşağı Yeniköy Yalınkılıç İnköy Çobanyıldızı Yukarı Şehitli Yassıtepe Aydıngün Hacımusa |