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Google Maps Satellite Map of Balgöze, Merzifon, Amasya, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Balgöze provided by GPS coordinates of Balgöze Amasya, elevation of Balgöze Amasya, hotels nearby Balgöze Amasya. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Balgöze of Satellite Map of Balgöze provided by Google Satellite Map of Balgöze provided by BING Satellite Map of Balgöze provided by Wikimapia Çukurkışla Açoğlu Burmahan Beyobası Çatalsöğüt Kuruçeşme Sofuoğlu Karaçal Gülburun Mevlana Eceoğlu Hasançelebi Fakırca İmece Karaca Yavuz Arpit Örencik Kuyulu Kaynarca |