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Google Maps Satellite Map of Karataş, Aksaray Merkez, Aksaray, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Karataş provided by GPS coordinates of Karataş Aksaray, elevation of Karataş Aksaray, hotels nearby Karataş Aksaray. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Karataş of Satellite Map of Karataş provided by Google Satellite Map of Karataş provided by BING Satellite Map of Karataş provided by Wikimapia Alibir Kandak Yeşilçele Hamzalı Gümüş Cumalı Narlı Esentepe Karlısu Kıranyurdu Bayıralan Şatırlar Elbeyli Karahasan Uluköy Dimorta Geçitveren Sevindikler Belliyurt Yalkaya |