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Google Maps Satellite Map of Kestel, Seyhan, Adana, Turkey. Find hotels nearby Kestel provided by GPS coordinates of Kestel Adana, elevation of Kestel Adana, hotels nearby Kestel Adana. GPS Latitude and Longitude. Relief map Kestel of Satellite Map of Kestel provided by Google Satellite Map of Kestel provided by BING Satellite Map of Kestel provided by Wikimapia Uzunöz Kavaklı Topalan Sarımustafalar Sakallı Dere Şoğik Fevziye Zenginharabesi Ünlendi Türkoğlu Hatunoğlu Ambarcı Payamlı Nohut Çobanlı Ferhadanlı Tepsili Tiluran Bulmaç |