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Google Maps Satellite Map of Alvites, Lugo, Galicia, Spain. Find hotels nearby Alvites provided by GPS coordinates of Alvites Galicia, elevation of Alvites Galicia, hotels nearby Alvites Galicia, photos from Alvites Galicia. Find location of Alvites, Galicia on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Alvites of Satellite Map of Alvites provided by Google Satellite Map of Alvites provided by BING Satellite Map of Alvites provided by Wikimapia Lorca Santiago de Compostela San Fernando Reus Ourense Algeciras Usera Badajoz La Laguna Hortaleza Pamplona Móstoles Terrassa Santa Cruz de Tenerife Oviedo Gijón Alicante Bilbao Murcia Zaragoza Caserío Cantarilla El Pilar La Loma Alta Calabazas Tartareu Prats Yéspola Bustelo de Fistéus Paradilla de la Sobarriba Espinosa de la Ribera Ongoz Monte Aizpea Villar Mompía Villalgordo del Marquesado Canredondo Olocau del Rey Mesones de Isuela Santa Cruz de la Palma |