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Google Maps Satellite Map of Leva, Burgos, Castile and Leon, Spain. Find hotels nearby Leva provided by GPS coordinates of Leva Castile and Leon, elevation of Leva Castile and Leon, hotels nearby Leva Castile and Leon, photos from Leva Castile and Leon. Find location of Leva, Castile and Leon on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Leva of Satellite Map of Leva provided by Google Satellite Map of Leva provided by BING Satellite Map of Leva provided by Wikimapia Lugo Lleida Chamberí Logroño Salamanca Nou Barris Burgos Castelló de la Plana Donostia / San Sebastián Pamplona Alcalá de Henares Cartagena Sant Martí Ciudad Lineal Eixample Córdoba Murcia Málaga Valencia Barcelona Vallequemado Caserío Aljibes El Campo Mancilleros Escart Folgoso do Courel Louredo Insúa Villabellaco La Cerca Ametz El Espín Mendiola Cuevas La Tabla Terzaga Leache Pinarnegrillo Carbellino Lanaja |