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Google Maps Satellite Map of Carters Beach, West Coast, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Carters Beach provided by GPS coordinates of Carters Beach West Coast, elevation of Carters Beach West Coast, hotels nearby Carters Beach West Coast, photos from Carters Beach West Coast. Find location of Carters Beach, West Coast on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Carters Beach of Satellite Map of Carters Beach provided by Google Satellite Map of Carters Beach provided by BING Satellite Map of Carters Beach provided by Wikimapia Runaruna Rangitukia Paraparaumu Okoki Ngataki Mahitahi Glenbrook Colac Bay Bankside Mission Bay Avondale Whau Valley Manurewa East Green Bay Oranga Bishopdale Cracroft The lakes Governors Bay Pembroke |