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Google Maps Satellite Map of Plimmerton, Wellington, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Plimmerton provided by GPS coordinates of Plimmerton Wellington, elevation of Plimmerton Wellington, hotels nearby Plimmerton Wellington, photos from Plimmerton Wellington. Find location of Plimmerton, Wellington on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Plimmerton of Satellite Map of Plimmerton provided by Google Satellite Map of Plimmerton provided by BING Satellite Map of Plimmerton provided by Wikimapia Valetta Te Whaiti Te Pohue Putiki Otamita Orangimea Kimbolton Kihikihi Kennedys Bay Kaiwharawhara Fordell Dunback Cormacks Bendigo Aka Aka Ahititi Awatoto West Harbour Veda Glen Ferrymead |