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Google Maps Satellite Map of Castlepoint, Wellington, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Castlepoint provided by GPS coordinates of Castlepoint Wellington, elevation of Castlepoint Wellington, hotels nearby Castlepoint Wellington, photos from Castlepoint Wellington. Find location of Castlepoint, Wellington on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Castlepoint of Satellite Map of Castlepoint provided by Google Satellite Map of Castlepoint provided by BING Satellite Map of Castlepoint provided by Wikimapia Woodcocks Whitstone Wakapuaka Tirau Tataramoa Tangowahine Runaruna Rongahere Pohokura Okupu Morven Manukau City Killinchy Kelvin Grove Eyre Creek Milford Sound Richmond Spotswood Westmere Grafton |