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Google Maps Satellite Map of Onaero, Taranaki, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Onaero provided by GPS coordinates of Onaero Taranaki, elevation of Onaero Taranaki, hotels nearby Onaero Taranaki, photos from Onaero Taranaki. Find location of Onaero, Taranaki on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Onaero of Satellite Map of Onaero provided by Google Satellite Map of Onaero provided by BING Satellite Map of Onaero provided by Wikimapia Seafield Rangitata Pyramid Pahia Oparara Mohaka Maharakeke Kumeroa Kauangaroa Hundalee Hastings Darfield Crushington Coalgate Castle Hill Belmont Lyttelton Raetihi Woodville Te Kopuru |