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Google Maps Satellite Map of Lynmouth, Taranaki, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Lynmouth provided by GPS coordinates of Lynmouth Taranaki, elevation of Lynmouth Taranaki, hotels nearby Lynmouth Taranaki, photos from Lynmouth Taranaki. Find location of Lynmouth, Taranaki on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Lynmouth of Satellite Map of Lynmouth provided by Google Satellite Map of Lynmouth provided by BING Satellite Map of Lynmouth provided by Wikimapia Whirinaki Whananaki South Warea Waitetuna Utakura Tuhua Te Kao Tahatika Rowsells Ranfurly Patearoa Otama Okiore North Mount Egmont Lower Waiawa Drybread Dalefield Hokitika Andrewville Tamarau |