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Google Maps Satellite Map of Sawyers Bay, Otago, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Sawyers Bay provided by GPS coordinates of Sawyers Bay Otago, elevation of Sawyers Bay Otago, hotels nearby Sawyers Bay Otago, photos from Sawyers Bay Otago. Find location of Sawyers Bay, Otago on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Sawyers Bay of Satellite Map of Sawyers Bay provided by Google Satellite Map of Sawyers Bay provided by BING Satellite Map of Sawyers Bay provided by Wikimapia Trentham Te Rehunga Shenandoah Puketui Pounawea Morton Mains Maharahara Linwood Humphreys Horeke Hira Hillsborough Crushington Algies Bay Hei Hei Kaiapoi Ohakune Manurewa East MOUNT WELLINGTON Waiwhetu |