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Google Maps Satellite Map of Johnstone, Otago, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Johnstone provided by GPS coordinates of Johnstone Otago, elevation of Johnstone Otago, hotels nearby Johnstone Otago, photos from Johnstone Otago. Find location of Johnstone, Otago on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Johnstone of Satellite Map of Johnstone provided by Google Satellite Map of Johnstone provided by BING Satellite Map of Johnstone provided by Wikimapia Whangamarino Totara North Scotts Gap Owaka Otatara Merrivale Mahuta Kaponga Glencoe Cowes Aria Ahaura Waipawa West End Avonhead Martinborough Meadowbank Riverlands Melville Johnston Cres |