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Google Maps Satellite Map of Brighams Creek, Auckland, New Zealand. Find hotels nearby Brighams Creek provided by GPS coordinates of Brighams Creek Auckland, elevation of Brighams Creek Auckland, hotels nearby Brighams Creek Auckland, photos from Brighams Creek Auckland. Find location of Brighams Creek, Auckland on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Brighams Creek of Satellite Map of Brighams Creek provided by Google Satellite Map of Brighams Creek provided by BING Satellite Map of Brighams Creek provided by Wikimapia Whatawhata Waitanguru Waihola Waerengaahika Tutukaka Pepepe Pangatotara Otara Lower Kokatahi Kauri Judgeford Honikiwi Glentunnel Fern Flat Blackpool Longs Beach Turuturu Pahiatua Churton Park Bellevue |