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Google Maps Satellite Map of La Pedregosa, Santa María del Río, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Find hotels nearby La Pedregosa provided by GPS coordinates of La Pedregosa San Luis Potosí, elevation of La Pedregosa San Luis Potosí, hotels nearby La Pedregosa San Luis Potosí, photos from La Pedregosa San Luis Potosí. Find location of La Pedregosa, San Luis Potosí on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map La Pedregosa of Satellite Map of La Pedregosa provided by Google Satellite Map of La Pedregosa provided by BING Satellite Map of La Pedregosa provided by Wikimapia San Fernando Troncones y Potrerillos Sabana Grande San Felipe El Papalote Santa Ana Tolapa (Tolapa Tamán) Granja la Fama Las Delicias El Toril Boquilla y Anexas (Baje de Agua) Buenavista La Gringa La Chegueche Cerro Grande El Horizonte El Cascabel Los Cocos Las Truchas La Trojita |