Google Maps™ Satellite Map of Saskatoon, Corman Park No. 344, Saskatchewan, Canada.

GPS coordinates. latitude,longitude:

Satellite Map of Saskatoon provided by Google
Satellite Map of Saskatoon provided by BING

Area: 228.1 km²
Elevation: 481 m
Nickname: The Bridge City, The Paris of the Prairies
Founded: 1883
Demographics: Predominantly English-speaking, diverse population
Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)

  With Google Maps, navigate Saskatoon, a city located along the South Saskatchewan River. Discover popular landmarks such as the Wanuskewin Heritage Park, the Western Development Museum, and the Remai Modern Art Gallery. Plan your journey using the city's public transit system (Saskatoon Transit) and find a wide range of restaurants, shops, and entertainment options throughout Saskatoon.
  Google Satellite Maps is an advanced mapping service that offers users a breathtaking view of the world through high-resolution satellite imagery, capturing the diverse beauty of Earth's landscapes with striking detail. From the bustling streets of major cities to the serene expanses of untouched wilderness, Google Satellite Maps provides a unique perspective on the planet's geography, allowing users to explore its many wonders from the comfort of their own homes.

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