Google Maps™ Satellite Map of St. Catharines, Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario, Canada.

GPS coordinates. latitude,longitude:

Satellite Map of St. Catharines provided by Google
Satellite Map of St. Catharines provided by BING

Area: 96.1 km²
Elevation: 95 m
Nickname: The Garden City
Motto: Industry and liberality
Founded: 1845
Demographics: Predominantly English-speaking, diverse population
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

  With Google Maps, explore St. Catharines, a city located in the Niagara Region along the shores of Lake Ontario. Locate key points of interest like the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, the Rodman Hall Art Centre, and the scenic Lakeside Park. Plan your route using the city's public transit system (St. Catharines Transit) and discover various restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues throughout St. Catharines.
  Travel the world from your screen with Google Satellite Maps, a state-of-the-art mapping service that offers high-resolution satellite imagery of Earth's surface. From intricate city streets to vast expanses of wilderness, the service captures the stunning variety and beauty of our planet's landscapes in extraordinary detail. With Google Satellite Maps, you can explore the far reaches of the globe, uncover hidden gems, and develop a deeper appreciation for the complexity and diversity of our planet's geography.

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