Google Maps™ Satellite Map of Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada.

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Satellite Map of Belleville provided by Google
Satellite Map of Belleville provided by BING

  With Google Maps, explore Belleville, a city situated along the Bay of Quinte in southeastern Ontario. Locate key attractions like the Glanmore National Historic Site, the Belleville Waterfront Trail, and the picturesque Zwick's Island Park. Plan your journey using the city's public transit system (Belleville Transit) and discover various restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues throughout Belleville.
  Discover the beauty of Earth from above with Google Satellite Maps, a groundbreaking mapping service that offers high-resolution satellite imagery of our planet's surface. Users can explore the vast array of geographical wonders our planet has to offer, from sprawling urban centers to remote natural habitats, all in stunning detail. Google Satellite Maps offers a unique perspective on the world, revealing its many intricate details and showcasing its beauty in striking clarity.

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