Google Maps™ Satellite Map of Abbotsford, Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada.

GPS coordinates. latitude,longitude:

Satellite Map of Abbotsford provided by Google
Satellite Map of Abbotsford provided by BING

Area: 375.5 km²
Elevation: 38 m
Nickname: The Raspberry Capital of Canada, The City in the Country
Motto: Prosperity through diversity
Founded: 1892
Demographics: Predominantly English-speaking, diverse population
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (PST)

  With Google Maps, explore Abbotsford, a city located in the Fraser Valley region of British Columbia. Locate key landmarks like the Abbotsford International Airport, the Trethewey House Heritage Site, and the picturesque Mill Lake Park. Use the city's public transit system (Central Fraser Valley Transit) to plan your journey and find various restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues throughout Abbotsford.
  Google Satellite Maps is an innovative mapping platform that brings the world to life through vivid, high-resolution satellite imagery. The service allows users to explore the Earth's surface in incredible detail, revealing the intricate patterns of city streets, the vast expanses of deserts, and the breathtaking beauty of natural wonders. With Google Satellite Maps, users can embark on a virtual journey around the globe, discovering the planet's many geographical marvels and developing a deeper understanding of its diverse landscapes.

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