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Google Maps Satellite Map of Mount Burges, Western Australia, Australia. Find hotels nearby Mount Burges provided by GPS coordinates of Mount Burges Western Australia, elevation of Mount Burges Western Australia, hotels nearby Mount Burges Western Australia, photos from Mount Burges Western Australia. Find location of Mount Burges, Western Australia on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map Mount Burges of Satellite Map of Mount Burges provided by Google Satellite Map of Mount Burges provided by BING Satellite Map of Mount Burges provided by Wikimapia Babakin Bakery Hill Baradine Black Flag Cherbourg Clare Fyans Creek Gooroolba Karbeethong Keilor Downs Laugher Camp Norwood Onslow Parkside Point Sturt Pootilla Rifle Range Warrah Ridge Woodenbong Yarramalong |