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Google Maps Satellite Map of The Gemfields, Queensland, Australia. Find hotels nearby The Gemfields provided by GPS coordinates of The Gemfields Queensland, elevation of The Gemfields Queensland, hotels nearby The Gemfields Queensland, photos from The Gemfields Queensland. Find location of The Gemfields, Queensland on the Satellite Map. Address lookup. Latitude and Longitude search. Weather forecast. Relief map The Gemfields of Satellite Map of The Gemfields provided by Google Satellite Map of The Gemfields provided by BING Satellite Map of The Gemfields provided by Wikimapia Bigriggan Coburg Collingwood Dobies Bight Freeburgh Jinghi Jinghi Katherine Kellerberrin Lottah Mirrabooka Oakville Parattah Talki Tweed Heads Waanyarra Wagoora Warra Creek West Denison Wongarra Wulgulmerang |