Google Maps™ Satellite Map of Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, Canada.

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Satellite Map of Fredericton provided by Google
Satellite Map of Fredericton provided by BING

  With Google Maps, explore Fredericton, the capital city of New Brunswick, located along the Saint John River. Locate key attractions like the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, the Fredericton Region Museum, and the picturesque Odell Park. Plan your journey using the city's public transit system (Fredericton Transit) and discover various restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues throughout Fredericton.
  Take a virtual tour of the Earth with Google Satellite Maps, a state-of-the-art mapping service that provides high-resolution satellite imagery of our planet's surface. Users can explore the world's diverse landscapes, from bustling urban centers to remote wilderness areas, all in incredible detail. Google Satellite Maps offers a captivating glimpse into the world's geography, showcasing its many wonders and fostering a deeper appreciation for its beauty and complexity.

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